Saturday, 31 March 2012
Tunjjina invocation/Dua
The Supplication of fire/completeness/relief
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ صَلاة كَامِلَة وَسَلِّم سلاماً تَامّاً عَلَى سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ الَّذِي تَنحَلُّ بهِ العُقدُ وَتَنفرِجُ بهِ الكُرَبُ وَتُقضَى بهِ الحَوَائِجُ وَتُنَالُ بهِ الرَّغَائِبُ وَحُسنَ الخَوَاتِم وَيُستَسقَى الغمَامُ بوَجهِهِ الكَريم وعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحبهِ فِي كُلِّ لَمحَةٍ
وَنفسٍ بعَدَدِ كُلِّ مَعلُومٍ لكَ
The Supplication of fire
O’ Allah convey complete supplications and perfect salutations upon our master Muhammad who, by him, bounds are unravelled; by him, calamities are dispelled; by him, necessities are fulfilled; by him, wishes are attained as is the best end (dying Muslim); by his generosity clouds quench thirsts; and upon his family, his companions; in every moment, with every breath of everything that you know the number of.
The supplication of the troubled/ Dua’ Al-Malhouf
أَمَّن يُجِيبُ ٱلْمُضْطَرَّ إِذَا دَعَاهُ وَيَكْشِفُ
“He who answers the constrained, when he calls unto Him, and removes the evil...” The Ant 27:62
Then he recited this supplication:
يَا وَدُودُ يَا ذِاالعَرشِ اَلمَجِيدِ يَا فَعَّالُ لِمَا تُرِيدُ أَسأَلُكَ بِعِزكَ الَّذِي لَا يُرامُ وَالمُلك الَّذِي لا يُضَامُ وَبِنُورِكَ الَّذِي مَلأَ أَركَانُ عَرشَكَ أَن تَكفِيني شَرٌ هَذَا اللِصُ يَا مَغيثُ اَغَثنِي يَا مَغيثُ اَغَثنِي يَا مَغيثُ اَغَثنِي
رَواهُ اِبنُ الَجَوزِيُ
“O’ Beloved; O’ Possessor the great throne; O’ Doer of what you wish; I ask you by your might that cannot be coveted; the dominion cannot be harmed; and by your light which has filled the pillars of your throne; to protect me from the evil of this thief. O’ giver of support, help me; O’giver of support help me; O’giver of support help me.”
Narrated by Ibn Al-Jawzi
He heard the sound of the hoofs, a scream, something falling and then rolling. He completed his prayer and then turned to see a horseman wearing a turban and the highway man had been slain. The traveller asked the man on the horse with the turban, who are you? He said he one of the angels of the fourth heaven and when you recited the Quranic verse and supplication for the first time the gates of fourth heaven began to shake, when you recited it again the whole heaven began to shake, then when it was recited again. The angel asked Allah if he could respond and Allah gave him permission and that is why he came to help the traveller.
Supplication for forgiveness
Supplication for forgiveness
This is a supplication that the Prophet (may Allah bestow upon him peace and blessings) said when asking for forgiveness but as we all know all the Prophets are free from minor and major sins. He was sent as a teacher and this was one of supplications that he taught us. This could also be because he is increasing in rank with Allah (mighty and Majestic).
عَن أَبي مُوسَى الأَشعَرِي عَن النَّبِيُ صَلَى اللهُ عَلَيِهِ وَسَلَّم أَنهُ كَانَ يَدعو بِهَذَا الدُعَاءُ : اللَّهُمَّ اغفِر لِي خَطَيئتي وَ جَهلَي وَاِسرَافِيُ فِي أَمرِي وَ مَا أَنتَ أَعلَمُ بِهِ مِنِّي. اللَّهُمَّ اغفِر لِي جدي وَهَزَلي وَخَطَئي وَ عَمدِي وَكُل ذَلِكَ عِندِي اللَّهُمَّ اغفِر لِي مَا قَدَّمتُ مَاأخرتُ وَ مَا أَسرَرتُ وَ مَا أَعلَنتُ وَمَا أَنتَ أَعلَمُ بِهِ مِنِّي.
رِواهُ البُخَارِي فِي أداب المُفرَدِ وَالحَاكِم
Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) used to make this supplication, “O’Allah, forgive my errors; my ignorance; my excessive waste in my affairs; and you know this better than me. O’Allah, forgive my seriousness; my mockery; my mistakes; my deliberate (errors) and all of this is from me. O’Allah, forgive what has preceded and what is forthcoming; What I have done secretly; what I have done openly and you know this better than me.”
Narrated by Al-Bukhari in Etiquette of the Individual.