Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Respecting Parents by Sheikh Taqiddin Al-Subki

Please click here

Saturday, 20 October 2012

The importance of the wird for the people of the spiritual path as well as maintaining it / أهمية الورد في طريق القوم والمواظبة عليه

عن الأنوار القدسية في معرفة قواعد الصوفية قال سيدي عبد الوهاب الشعراني رحمه الله تعالى
Sidi Abdulwahab Al-Sharani (may Allah show him mercy) said in Al-Anwar Al-Qudsiyyah about the knowledge of the foundations of the Sufism,

كل شيخ قد جعل الله مدده و سره و سر طريقته في أوراده التي يأمر بها المريد فمن ترك ورده فقد نكث عهد شيخه وأجمعوا على أنه ما قطع مريد ورده إلا انقطعت عنه الأمداد في ذلك اليوم وإيضاح ذلك أن طريق القوم طريق تصديق وتحقيق وجهد وعمل وغض بصر وطهارة قلب ويد و فرج ولسان ومن خالف شيئا من أفعالها رفضته الطريق كرها عليه

Every Sheikh that Allah has placed his support, his secret and the secret of the path is in the wird in which he orders the murid by. Whoever leaves his wird has breached the agreement of the sheikh. It is agreed that the murid who leaves his wird except that he is severed from assistance on that day.

The clarification of this is that the spiritual path is; truthfulness, realisation, exertion, action, lowering the gaze, purification of the heart, the hand, the private area and the tongue. Whoever opposes some of these actions the path abandons him, loathing him.”